To creatively connect communities to their local culture: intangible cultural heritage, history, literature
To stimulate participation and bring together local activists and organisations
To record aspects of local culture - songs, stories, dances, traditions
To affirm the work of local practitioners
Daniel Serridge, with Helen Mill
Partners and Contact Organisations
Corra Foundation, Dunterlie Community Centre, The Village Storytelling Centre, Folks Music Project
Action Research
Mapping activities, walking the area, understanding the industrial history and present challenges that the community face, informal conversations
Friday Foodshare; story gathering sessions; Daffodil Teas; harp and storytelling group (Harp and Carp); folk jams; creative waiting room (prior to the weekly food share a space where people could have a cup of tea while waiting and be engaged in creative activity and story gathering)
Harp and Carp performance, Village Storytelling Festival
Community Ceilidh